緒方 正則 下間 頼一 塩津 宣子
公開研究会・講演会技術と社会の関連を巡って : 技術史から経営戦略まで : 講演論文集
vol.2006, pp.51-54, 2006-12-01

Authors assumed that the origin of the standard gauge of the railway is in the interval of wheel tracks of ancient carriages such as war chariots, two-wheeled carts and four-wheeled wagons. Basing on the assumption, authors have measured the interval of wheel track at ancient ruins and ancient highway of the Eurasian Continent and the African Continent for long years. On the other hand, the oldest vehicle that exists in the world is chariot of Tut-ankh-Amen who was the Pharaoh of ancient Egyptian of the 18th New Dynasty before 3,500 years and another two chariots of the former dynasty. Authors visited at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo for four times till now and observed six chariots in detail that were displayed inside the glass case. Considering findings of the interval of wheel tracks, authors report the specifications of Tut-ankh-Amen's chariots in this paper.
平野 重雄 堺 英男
公開研究会・講演会技術と社会の関連を巡って : 技術史から経営戦略まで : 講演論文集
vol.2007, pp.119-122, 2007-12-01

In case a design builds monochrome, it is a process which materializes what monochrome is built how. The subject outline and attainment target of machine design and exercise are fully utilizing the knowledge of the basic subject of mechanical engineering, and creating a machine and parts. At this lecture, an understanding of a design process, the statement of principles of a design, the embodiment of a design, design calculation, drawing, etc. are learned about the design of the machine product currently used for training (creative) of the problem solution capability as a designer of a machine. In the 1st report, it carried out to what should be made now, the machine design education of the next machine element designing method center of describing the lesson form of machine design and exercise has been improved, and consideration about new machine design and exercise education was performed from the viewpoint of the production of a design=thing.
鈴木 孝 土屋 修 有我 正博
公開研究会・講演会技術と社会の関連を巡って : 技術史から経営戦略まで : 講演論文集
vol.2004, pp.78-81, 2004-12-01

The Engine department of the Gas-Den, predecessor of the Hino Motors, Ltd. was reorganized as the Tokyo Automobile Industries Co. and the Hitachi Aero plane Co. in 1937 and 1939 respectively. In 1938, Japanese Navy ordered the production of German trainer "Biicker Jungman" to Kyushu Aero plane Co. and of its engine "Hirth HM504" to Gas-Den Co. respectively based on a license agreement. Although the Gas-Den (Hitachi) produced more than 1300 engines under the name of "Hatsukaze (First Wing)" for both Japanese Navy and also Army, but it was completely redesigned by Gas-Den. Its unique design was based on Gas-Den's own know-how and production technology. Hino Motors restored it by its original engine that was preserved in Hamamatsu base of Japanese Self Defense Air Force. This paper describes structure of "Hatsukaze" with comparison of original "Hirth HM504" and philosophy of technology transfer.
吉田 喜一 高杉 誠
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
公開研究会・講演会技術と社会の関連を巡って : 技術史から経営戦略まで : 講演論文集
vol.2009, pp.57-60, 2009

The author's laboratory have developed and analyzed various types kids. In this paper, returnable toys (paper boomerangs, boomerang stunt planes, bamboomerangs, and boomerang cups) are introduced.